Hi! I’m Sarina
I’m your quintessential “island girl” who lives (and loves) to share her own unique brand of
Sun-Kissed Positivity™!
Feeling Cluttered & Overwhelmed?
I believe that your success as a Refined + Aligned™ Homemaker can be found through an outlook I call “Elevate + Thrive”™. It’s a powerful and unique system that enables you to identify your core values and then use them to create your best life & home.

Early on
As a child, and a teenager, my parents steeped me in holistic nutritional and personal self-development tools, including the Law of Attraction. At the time I had no idea what a unique and powerful gift this would turn out to be.
The Pivot
In 2020, as my island nation of Trinidad & Tobago went into a complete lockdown, like many of you I was forced to sit and re-evaluate the direction my life had taken, and my priorities. Years of painful relationships, being a full-time caregiver and #girlboss “Hustle Life” had left me drained, hollow and managing multiple autoimmune conditions.
Something needed to change.
Returning to the teachings of my past, along with the passions I had gathered through the years, I entered on a new journey of self-discovery, healing and inner renewal.
Through the years I had used the techniques I had learned to manifest professional successes and financial windfalls, but I had never thought of using them to reshape myself and my life from the inside out.
Would it work?
Augmented by the wealth of new information that is now available online. I dedicated myself over the last three years to intense self-learning and re-education. I discovered the importance of slowing down, both mentally and physically, and began to detach (and detox) myself from an action-based life oriented towards external validation to an emotionally-based one that prioritizes inner alignment with my core values.
I will always be a work in progress (as will you!), however through keeping my core values in clear and articulated focus, I can happily say that my life today is now filled with a renewed sense of purpose and passion. I have an infinitely better work-life balance, and my home is running smoother than ever and fills with me joy on a daily basis. My health has also vastly improved and all of my conditions are now being managed through nutritional and lifestyle changes.
If you too are an aspiring Domestic Diva looking to go from feeling cluttered and overwhelmed to living a life that is joyfully “Refined + Aligned”™ I do hope you will continue browsing the site and consider working with me!
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Obligatory Bio-Data *smile*
Sarina Nicole Bland is a lifestyle designer and founder of the award-winning food blog TriniGourmet.com . A Departmental Honors graduate of Smith College she has been featured in local and international media channels such as the New York Times and Travel Channel as well as in books such as “The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach”.